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Brothers of Mercy of St. John of God

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St. John of God


St. John of God and his companion
past and present are Consecrated lay-men living in common under the Rule of St. Augustine in the spirit of poverty, chastity, obedience and gratuitous service to the poor-sick and needy. Read more...

Holy Humility of Mary 

Humility of Mary 

“My spirit rejoices in God my Savior because He has regarded the humility of His handmaid.” Lk 1:47.48. In the clear light of truth, which we call humility, Mary, knows and acknowledges and renders ceaseless thanks for the wonderful and wholly unique graces conferred on her by the free choice of God. Read More...


St. John of God and St. Raphael 

The idea of MISERICORDIA is to make use of the man-power of each Parish, and each Diocese, men, women and young people, dedicating themselves according to their availability to those in need in their own Parish and their Diocese. Read More...

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Holy Mass

Holy Mass

On the evening before the departure of the Jews from Egypt, Moses- according to the command of God-sacrificed a lamb. The lamb was offered to God, then prepared and consumed by the people, s a sign of their union wit the sacrifice. The blood of the lamb was sprinkled on the door-posts of the Jews to protect them from t5he avenging angel. For God had said: “I will see the blood and I will spare you.”

On Mount Calvary, Jesus the lamb of God sacrificed Himself, pouring out His Blood to ransom not only the Jews but all mankind.

Each Mass is a continuation if Jesus’ sacrifice- the bread becomes His Body and wine His Blood. This separate consecration manifests in a spiritual way the death of Jesus the Lamb of God who in a symbolic sense still pours out His Blood in sacrifice to the Father in adoration, reparation, thanksgiving and petition.

The priest who offers holy Mass may have his own personal defects, but the offering of Christ, the mystical outpouring of His Blood, is holy, divine and perfect. There is nothing in this world of more value than one Sacrifice of the Mass. We unite with the priest in offering this sacrifice; we consume the Sacrificial Victim in Holy Communion.

No Protestant Church, no other Religion can offer this Sacrifice or receive the Divine Lamb.

On the entire world the sun never sets- twilight in one place is dawn in another. So the Chalice of the Blood of Christ – even at this moment as you read – is being raised up, the Sacrifice of the Mass is being offered somewhere. In spirit let us unite ourselves to the Divine Victim and let us receive in spirit the Body and Blood of Christ in “Spiritual Communion.”

O crimson splendor of the Blood of Christ be our sun that never sets. O Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us. Receive our oblation united to your own, a Sacrifice of Praise!


posted by Brothers of Mercy @ 12:07 AM  
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Name: Brothers of Mercy
Home: Philippines
About Us: The brothers of Mercy are consecrated to God in adoration, love and praise. Companion of Jesus In His poverty, chastity, and obedience, especially in His mercy to the poor and the infirm. The rich young man of the Gospel wished to be Companion of Jesus - and Jesus loved him- but he would not leave his possessions so he went away sad. “Will you also go away?”
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St. Francis of Paola



The charity of Saint Francis of Paola is especially reflected in his spiritual son, Saint John of God, the father and guide of the Brothers of Mercy for the assistance of the mentally ill, the poor-sick, the way ward, the homeless, the Deaf. Read more...

COURAGE is a spiritual support system that is designed to assist men and women struggling with SSA  (Same Sex Attraction) to live chaste lives through prayer, fellowship, truth and love in obedience with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Read More...
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