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Brothers of Mercy of St. John of God

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St. John of God


St. John of God and his companion
past and present are Consecrated lay-men living in common under the Rule of St. Augustine in the spirit of poverty, chastity, obedience and gratuitous service to the poor-sick and needy. Read more...

Holy Humility of Mary 

Humility of Mary 

“My spirit rejoices in God my Savior because He has regarded the humility of His handmaid.” Lk 1:47.48. In the clear light of truth, which we call humility, Mary, knows and acknowledges and renders ceaseless thanks for the wonderful and wholly unique graces conferred on her by the free choice of God. Read More...


St. John of God and St. Raphael 

The idea of MISERICORDIA is to make use of the man-power of each Parish, and each Diocese, men, women and young people, dedicating themselves according to their availability to those in need in their own Parish and their Diocese. Read More...

Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Companion of Jesus

The Companion of Jesus

We often think: “how fortunate the apostles who were the companions of Jesus….. in His company, by His side, day and night.” But we too, if we wish, may be His Companions.

Are we not in His Company when we visit Him present in the Blessed Sacrament, and especially at the time of Holy Communion? And as we read the Gospel or pray the Rosary are we not present to Him Who as God-Man sees us truly before Him. We become His Companions if we wish, in all mysteries of His life, death and resurrection!

Is He not present in all the events of each day and hour – however veiled and hidden He may seem? “Think only that God ordains all, and where there is no love put in love and you will draw out love,” (St. John of the Cross). In all these events of daily life He is seeking our company.

Jesus is present – as He Himself tells us – in our neighbor, especially in the little ones, the sick, and the afflicted. And when we reverence His presence, and serve Him in our neighbor, then most truly we become His Companions.

To seek Jesus in those who live on the margin of society – the mentally ill, disturbed youth, the wayward – this is what it means to be a Companion of Jesus! One need not to go outside ones own neighborhood to find in need…. “as long as you did it to one of these you did to Me”. Happy he who is the Companion of Jesus in all these who are in need of companionship! “I saw them so poor and ill-cared for that they broke my heart.” (St. John of God)

Let us consecrate ourselves to the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of the Father loving Jesus and the Spirit of Jesus loving the Father, entering into this Union we become ever more perfect Companion of Jesus.

“the wise man built his house on rock, rains came down, floods rose, gales blew, and hurled themselves against that house, and it did not fall: it was founded on rock.” MT. 7:24-25. The rock foundation of our house is Faith and Hope; its light and warmth is Charity. And in this house –our soul- we dwell in the company of Jesus. The storms, trials and distractions of life may beat upon my house but I am safe within, the Companion of Jesus.


posted by Brothers of Mercy @ 12:06 AM  
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Name: Brothers of Mercy
Home: Philippines
About Us: The brothers of Mercy are consecrated to God in adoration, love and praise. Companion of Jesus In His poverty, chastity, and obedience, especially in His mercy to the poor and the infirm. The rich young man of the Gospel wished to be Companion of Jesus - and Jesus loved him- but he would not leave his possessions so he went away sad. “Will you also go away?”
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St. Francis of Paola



The charity of Saint Francis of Paola is especially reflected in his spiritual son, Saint John of God, the father and guide of the Brothers of Mercy for the assistance of the mentally ill, the poor-sick, the way ward, the homeless, the Deaf. Read more...

COURAGE is a spiritual support system that is designed to assist men and women struggling with SSA  (Same Sex Attraction) to live chaste lives through prayer, fellowship, truth and love in obedience with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Read More...
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