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St. John of God


St. John of God and his companion
past and present are Consecrated lay-men living in common under the Rule of St. Augustine in the spirit of poverty, chastity, obedience and gratuitous service to the poor-sick and needy. Read more...

Holy Humility of Mary 

Humility of Mary 

“My spirit rejoices in God my Savior because He has regarded the humility of His handmaid.” Lk 1:47.48. In the clear light of truth, which we call humility, Mary, knows and acknowledges and renders ceaseless thanks for the wonderful and wholly unique graces conferred on her by the free choice of God. Read More...


St. John of God and St. Raphael 

The idea of MISERICORDIA is to make use of the man-power of each Parish, and each Diocese, men, women and young people, dedicating themselves according to their availability to those in need in their own Parish and their Diocese. Read More...

Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Gesuati


The rich and influential merchant of Siena, John Colombini, touched by a special grace, leaving his wealth and embracing the poverty of Christ, gave himself completely to God. Others, convinced by his example, later followed him in his imitation of Christ: the Poor for Jesus Christ. But the people called them ‘Gesuati’ because of the frequency with which they invoked the Holy Name of Jesus (Gesù). Neither priests nor religious, the Gesuati, according to the desire of Blessed John Colombini, are to follow the poor and abandoned Jesus in poverty, prayer and fraternity… “with song and jubilation”.

Apostolate of Music

Music, or better to say, the apostolate of music, was the particular characteristic of the first Gesuati. The Church today has need of new Gesuati who will consecrate their talents to the service of the Divine Liturgy. The Second Vatican Council called for those who would restore the official music of the Church- those who would refuse entrance into the Liturgy of music which would be unworthy of Divine Worship, music that is secular, banal, and often theologically incorrect I its orientation and in its lyrics. “The Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the fount from which all her power flows… All who are made sons of God by faith and baptism come together to praise God in the midst of His Church. Liturgical Worship is given a more noble form when the divine offices are celebrated solemnly in song. The Church recognizes Gregorian chant as being especially suited to the roman Liturgy.” (Document of the Sacred Liturgy). Other kinds of sacred music are not excluded from liturgical celebrations ‘so long as they accord with the spirit of the liturgical action.’ Gesuati Chant is simple, solemn, and quickly learned by the people, and the very texts of the Proper to each Mass are easily adapted to it because it is based on tones (Cords) sung in one or more voices, rather than on melodies, here is the apostolate of the Gesuati today!

The Message of Blessed John Colombini

“Seek to imitate the life of Jesus Christ; and when your works imitate Jesus (Gesù), then you will be Gesuati. Have always His Holy Name in your heart and on your lips, and in all that you do. Be valiant knights of Jesus Christ and with His help battle bravely against all the temptations of the flesh, of the world and of the devil. Give yourself to Christ! Who is abandoned a thousand times more than you believe. Seek to clothe yourselves with the white garment of purity of heart; confessing frequently, and receiving the holy Sacrament of the Body of Christ. Let your prayer be more of the heart than of the voice. Greatly have in mind the most holy life and Passion of Jesus Christ. Be joyous and serve the Lord with gladness; Love one another as good brothers; When a companion is ill, care for him with the utmost charity, remembering that it is Jesus Christ whom we serve. “Have great love, singing with all creatures and making jubilee, manifesting unmeasured love.”

Testament of Blessed John Colombini to the Gesuati

“My beloved ones, be not negligent nor slothful, but hasten to encounter the great gift of God! with unmeasured charity, with a love that savors of folly, with desire for holy poverty, with fraternal love among you, with rejoicing, jubilee and song. Abandon carefully all worldly attachments because Christ will never enter a soul occupied by affection that is not love of Him, or love for Him. Therefore, despoil yourselves of empty yourselves, and clothes yourselves, and beclothe yourselves of Jesus Christ, the Blessed One, and of Him be filled! Who gives Himself to you with a powerful affection that warms and inebriates. O Goodness all unknown! O Treasure all hidden and ignored! O souls, blind and cold, that give not of yourselves to have and to enjoy the goodness of the Blessed Christ. Rouse the sleeping! Raise up those already half dead! Behold the Christ Who will awaken the nations! Who will inflame the coldness of the hearts! Who will re-enkindle the extinguished fire! Arise valiantly then for this Blessed Christ Who with haste is coming to you!”

July 31st

Blessed John Colombini


posted by Brothers of Mercy @ 12:04 AM  
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Name: Brothers of Mercy
Home: Philippines
About Us: The brothers of Mercy are consecrated to God in adoration, love and praise. Companion of Jesus In His poverty, chastity, and obedience, especially in His mercy to the poor and the infirm. The rich young man of the Gospel wished to be Companion of Jesus - and Jesus loved him- but he would not leave his possessions so he went away sad. “Will you also go away?”
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St. Francis of Paola



The charity of Saint Francis of Paola is especially reflected in his spiritual son, Saint John of God, the father and guide of the Brothers of Mercy for the assistance of the mentally ill, the poor-sick, the way ward, the homeless, the Deaf. Read more...

COURAGE is a spiritual support system that is designed to assist men and women struggling with SSA  (Same Sex Attraction) to live chaste lives through prayer, fellowship, truth and love in obedience with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Read More...
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